Hi All,

I'm new to macros and I am completely stuck. I am trying to filter a pivot table based on a date range using a macro. I have two cells where the start date and the end date will be inputted (using data validation) which will make up the date range. I've scoured through the forums and found a code that works, but it is written for several PTs which all have the same filter name. My problem is that I have several PTs but with different filter names (e.g. some are called "Date" others "PeriodDate"). Can anyone help me adapt this code (or any other which would do the trick) so it will run on only a single PT?

Public Sub Filter2()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Dim StartDate As Date, EndDate As Date

    StartDate = ActiveSheet.Range("B1").Value
    EndDate = ActiveSheet.Range("C1").Value
    'takes the Date values from the sheet
    'If there are no values then Gives them default values
    If StartDate = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Date Missing"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If EndDate = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Date Missing"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim PT As PivotTable
    Dim pf As PivotField
    Dim pi As PivotItem
    For Each PT In ActiveSheet.PivotTables
        'Filters The dates between StartDate and EndDate in all pivot tables
        'in the active sheet
        'goes through each pivot table on the sheet
        Set pf = PT.PivotFields("Date")
        For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
            'goes through every item in the field "Date"
            If Not pi.Name = "(blank)" Then
                'ignores blanks and then checks if date is in range
                If pi.Value < StartDate Or pi.Value > EndDate Then
                    pi.Visible = False
                    pi.Visible = True
                End If
            End If

        Next pi
    Next PT
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Thanks in advance,
