I don't think you cover what you want the formatting to look like but if you have the formatt and drop downs in some other cells (maybe hidden somewhere) you could copy and paste them. To take it in steps:
To copy and insert cells:
sub Copy_and_Insert()
Rows("30").insert xldown
end sub
You would need to create a loop of some kind in order to repeat the code, to do this you will need to set a count variable as the row number to insert and increment this, for example:
sub Copy_and_Insert()
dim count
count = 30
Rows(count).insert xldown
end sub
Finally, you need to decide on the type of loop - if you know how many times you need to do it, you could use a for loop such as this:
Sub Copy_and_Insert()
Dim row_count, loop_count
row_count = 30
For loop_count = 1 To 500
Rows(row_count).Insert xlDown
row_count = row_count + 46
End Sub
Note - I have assumed that you mean every 44th row as it is before running the macro, so once 2 rows are inserted between 29 and 30, the next two should be between 75 and 76, hence the 46 increment
Alternatively, if you don't know how many times you want to run the loop but there is a condition that will change when you want to stop running the loop (for example, there is no more data) you could use a do...until loop:
Sub Copy_and_Insert()
Dim row_count
row_count = 30
Do Until Range("A" & row_count) = ""
Rows(row_count).Insert xlDown
row_count = row_count + 46
End Sub