[EDIT] Completely new text ahead
Hey guys,
I posted about this before, but I went into a long-winded confusing explanation and I felt maybe I'll have better luck with some pseudo-coding.
Basically this is how I'd like it to run:
Any cells in B3:B26 that = "1G", then copy that entire row (which goes A:Q), and paste it into the A2 of a different worksheet called "ToPrint".
Then, any cells in B3:26 that = "2T", then copy that entire row, into the same ToPrint worksheet, 3 cells down from the last row from the previous condition (i.e. "1G"). For example, if previously, the "1G" condition came up with 9 results, taking up A2:Q10 in "ToPrint", I want the "2T" condition to paste into "ToPrint" worksheet as well, and to paste it starting from A13 (leaving a 2 blank-cell gap between the 1Gs and 2Ts).
Then the exact same thing for 2 more conditions, "3D" and "4W" also having a 2 cell gap between the pasted results.
These 4 conditions results would replace whatever was in the ToPrint worksheet before as I'm going to be running this macro from 8 different sheets.
Thank you so much for any and all help I receive. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
- Pat
If you can't get the attachment, here it is on google docs. I've added what I'd like the ToPrint to look like (last sheet).
PS: as an absolute bonus (not make or break), I'd like the the text that is in cell A1 of the sheet I run the macro off, to also be copied to the A1 of the "ToPrint" worksheet.