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VBA code to make multiple text boxes numeric entry only

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JAL_0110 VBA code to make multiple... 05-19-2013, 08:56 PM
Leith Ross Re: VBA code to make multiple... 05-20-2013, 12:49 AM
JAL_0110 Re: VBA code to make multiple... 05-20-2013, 01:23 AM
Leith Ross Re: VBA code to make multiple... 05-20-2013, 01:37 AM
JAL_0110 Re: VBA code to make multiple... 05-20-2013, 01:46 AM
Leith Ross Re: VBA code to make multiple... 05-20-2013, 01:57 AM
  1. #1
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    VBA code to make multiple text boxes numeric entry only


    Im very new to VBA coding and just looking for some help with short cuts.

    I have a large userform used to record productivity data in my workplace. I have 167 text boxes (named Input1 up to Input167) and I want them to only be able to enter in numbers.

    I have the following code which works fine, but I really dont want to have to repeat it 167 times. Can someone help me with some code so that I can cover all 167 text boxes at the one time.

    Private Sub Input1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
    If KeyAscii < Asc("0") Or KeyAscii > Asc("9") Then
        KeyAscii = 0
    End If
    End Sub
    Thanks in advance for your help

    Last edited by vlady; 05-19-2013 at 10:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: VBA code to make multiple text boxes numeric entry only

    Hello JAL_0110,

    Welcome to the Forum!

    This can be done easily using a technique known as "Subclassing". This allows for objects to be grouped together and share common event routines.

    Before you proceed, have your workbook open and the VB Editor activated. To activate the VB Editor, press the keys ALT+F11.

    Adding the Class Module and Code
    1. To activate the VB Editor, press the keys ALT+F11.
    2. Copy the Claas Code below using Ctrl+C.
    3. Add a new Class Module to your VBA project. Press the keys [b]ALT+I[/] to display the Insert menu. Press C key.
    4. Paste the code into the module using Ctrl+V.

    Class Module Code
    Public WithEvents Control As MSForms.TextBox
    Private Sub Control_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
            If KeyAscii < Asc("0") Or KeyAscii > Asc("9") Then
                KeyAscii = 0
            End If
    End Sub
    Additional UserForm Code
    Add the code below to the very top of your UserForm...
    Dim TextBoxes() As Variant
    Add the code below to the UserForm_Initialize() Event Module...
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
        Dim TB As Object
            ReDim TextBoxes(1 To 167)
            For i = 1 To 167
                Set TB = New clsTextBox
                Set TB.Control = Me.Controls("Input" & i)
                Set TextBoxes(i) = TB
            Next i
    End Sub
    If you have any problems, post your workbook and I will fix any problems you are having.
    Leith Ross

    Remember To Do the Following....

    1. Use code tags. Place [CODE] before the first line of code and [/CODE] after the last line of code.
    2. Thank those who have helped you by clicking the Star below the post.
    3. Please mark your post [SOLVED] if it has been answered satisfactorily.

    Old Scottish Proverb...
    Luathaid gu deanamh maille! (Rushing causes delays!)

  3. #3
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    Re: VBA code to make multiple text boxes numeric entry only

    Hi Leith Ross

    Thanks so much for your assistance. I followed your instructions but it came up with an error in Private Sub UserForm_Initialize():

    Compile Error: User-Defined Type Not Defined
    (on Set TB = New clsTextBox line)

    I have attached the file. As you will see when you open it, there are a number of userforms being constructed. Please go to AddProductivityData userform.

    Thanks Again for your help. It is greatly appreciated.

    vsa productivity userform TEST.xlsm

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: VBA code to make multiple text boxes numeric entry only

    Hello JAL_0110,

    Sorry about that, I forgot to edit that line after testing the code on my machine. It is a simple fix. The attached file has the macro change.

    Change the line below
    from this...
    Set TB = New clsTextBox
    To this...
    Set TB = New Class1
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
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    Re: VBA code to make multiple text boxes numeric entry only


    Was getting a

    Run-time error '13'
    Type mismatch

    (as i had put first textbox as input1, where first actual textbox was input5)

    I have amended and is running like a dream.

    Thanks so much for your help.
    Last edited by JAL_0110; 05-20-2013 at 02:02 AM.

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: VBA code to make multiple text boxes numeric entry only

    Hello JAL_011,

    I discovered that error after I posted the first fix. This error is happening because you are referencing TextBoxes that are not on the UerForm. Change the loop to start at 5 instead of 1 in the Initialize event and it will work. I just checked it to be sure.

    Working UserForm_Initialize Code
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
        Dim i       As Long
        Dim TB      As Object
        Dim cLoc    As Range
        Dim ws      As Worksheet
            ReDim TextBoxes(1 To 156)
            For i = 5 To 156
                Set TB = New Class1
                Set TB.Control = Me.Controls("Input" & i)
                Set TextBoxes(i) = TB
            Next i
        Set ws = Worksheets("Lookuplists")
        For Each cLoc In ws.Range("Dynamic_StaffList")
        With Me.Input4
            .AddItem cLoc.Value
        End With
        Next cLoc
        Dim DayCount As Integer
        DayCount = 1
            input1.AddItem "0" & DayCount
            DayCount = DayCount + 1
        Loop Until DayCount = 10
            Input2.AddItem "January" & MonthCount
            Input2.AddItem "Febuary" & MonthCount
            Input2.AddItem "March" & MonthCount
            Input2.AddItem "April" & MonthCount
            Input2.AddItem "May" & MonthCount
            Input2.AddItem "June" & MonthCount
            Input2.AddItem "July" & MonthCount
            Input2.AddItem "August" & MonthCount
            Input2.AddItem "September" & MonthCount
            Input2.AddItem "October" & MonthCount
            Input2.AddItem "November" & MonthCount
            Input2.AddItem "December" & MonthCount
            Input3.AddItem "2013" & YearCount
            Input3.AddItem "2014" & YearCount
            Input3.AddItem "2015" & YearCount
            input1.AddItem DayCount
            DayCount = DayCount + 1
        Loop Until DayCount = 32
    End Sub

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