Hi all,

I have a request that I believe draws upon pretty standard elements but arranged in a very specific way.

Essentially the scenario consist of a user who needs to create a new Working copy of the most up to date Master workbook and then after doing that, reset the Master.

Necessary Steps:
  1. Copy the active worksheet ("Master")
  2. Paste the copy as a new worksheet ("Master [Today's Date]") with a dynamic date name based on today's date within the same workbook ("Filepath\Master.xlsm")
  3. Perform an index/match formula between columns in the new "Master Copy" worksheet and columns in a separate workbook hosted on Sharepoint ("Sharepoint Filepath\Working.xlsm").
  4. Index values of columns AN:BJ if the Match formula is successful.
  5. Paste the indexed columns as values in order to get rid of the formulas.
  6. Save the "Master Copy" worksheet as the new master "Working.xlsm" workbook ("Sharepoint Filepath\Working.xlsm")
  7. Delete the copied worksheet ("Master Copy") from the original workbook ("Filepath\Master.xlsm")

Does this make any sense?

In a nutshell:
  1. Copy a new worksheet
  2. Automatically perform Index/Math
  3. Paste values from Index/Match
  4. Save worksheet as new workbook
  5. Delete a worksheet from a workbook

Thanks everyone!!!