Quote Originally Posted by Norie View Post
Are the values in A2:A18 on Sheet4 numeric or text?

If they are numeric then you need to convert the text value from the textbox to numeric.

To do that you can try some of VBA's conversion functions like Val, CInt, CDbl etc

The values in A2:A18 are numeric and only numeric, just as the value I enter in the textbox. The corresponding data from B2:C18 is not numerical.

I've looked up the conversion functions but I can't really understand how to implement them in the code. Could you help me with that?

Hi Ronny
Looking at your code you are searching in columns A to Z but you are only returning the value in Column 2 of the search range if the value in VLOOKUP is found. On that basis you only need to search between columns A and B. This may be why you are getting the error.
Hope this helps.
Good luck.
Unfortunately this did not help