Hi ppl

One more time I need your help, but this is not a a easy one, and i don't know if i'm doing it in the right place.

I have this table below and need to compare with to different conditions:

Condition x - Compare between cells in column A if I've got at least two equal names but I can't compare a cell with him self.
Condition y - Compare between cells in column B If I've got at least a set of 5 consecutive numbers that are equal to another set of numbers in the other cells, but I can't compare a cell with him self.

- A B
1 Maria Pereira da Costa 38003111/2041
2 Manuel Joao Cimodera Sodrinho 102194415
3 José António da Silva Fralda Alves 8326865
4 Maria Pereira da Costa 2041/38003111
5 Ernesto José Pereira Oliveira 200544000
6 Luis Manuel Costa Cerveira 2055/200622432
7 Augusto Lages Paiva 2055/174325915
8 Lurdes Fatima Tome Costa 2055/103452115
9 Augusto Lages Paiva ME78270793
10 Cristina Alexandra Santos Pinto Lima 109534715
11 Jorge Manuel Lopes Cunha 2055/103940715
12 Jorge Manuel Lopes Cunha 2055/103940715

From the conditions above i need the two results that are below:

If condition x and condition y is true copy line to sheet 2, and this is the result:

- A B
1 Maria Pereira da Costa 38003111/2041
2 Maria Pereira da Costa 2041/38003111
3 Jorge Manuel Lopes Cunha 2055/103940715
4 Jorge Manuel Lopes Cunha 2055/103940715

If condition x or condition y is true copy line to sheet 3, and this is the result:

- A B
1 Augusto Lages Paiva 2055/174325915
2 Augusto Lages Paiva ME78270793

I just need 3 sheets, the first sheet as the 20000 entries (rows), the second sheet as the first result (and) and the third sheet as the second result (or).

Can any one help me with this one, perhaps was to be done with VBA.

Thank for all the help you can give to this rookie, and sorry for the bad English.