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Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

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  1. #1
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    Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

    Could you provide me with help with creating a macro to do the following please?

    1. If user wishes to change the date in Column B the date currently held in column B needs to append to the data in Column C and is formatted with strikethrough.
    2. If user wants to change the estimate in Column D the original estimate needs to append to data in Column E and is formatted with striokegthrough
    3. If user changes the status of the project to Complete a message box appears to ask for the completed data and this is copied into column I
    4. Once user has added the completion date the whole range from a-I is copied into the complete worksheet and added to next available blank line.
    5. Once all data has been update I want to copy the range a2:I??end , open a word template and copy it into the bookmark area projects.
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell


    all steps but the last one.

    add the following routines to the worksheet Data

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
         If Target.Column = 2 Then
              Application.EnableEvents = False
              Call ChangedPublishDate(Target)
              Application.EnableEvents = True
         ElseIf Target.Column = 4 Then
              Application.EnableEvents = False
              Call ChangedEstimate(Target)
              Application.EnableEvents = True
         ElseIf Target.Column = 7 Then
              If Target.Value = "Complete" Then
                   Application.EnableEvents = False
                   Call CompleteProject(Target)
                   Application.EnableEvents = True
              End If
         End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
         If Target.Column = 2 Then
              pubCellBValue = ActiveCell.Value
         ElseIf Target.Column = 4 Then
              pubCellDValue = ActiveCell.Value
         End If
    End Sub
    create a new module, and insert the following code

    Option Explicit
    '# declare a public variable that holds the content of the cells in the B and D columns when the user moves the
    '# cursor to either column to make a change - the value in either variable is updated by a worksheet_selection_change
    '# event
         Public pubCellBValue As String
         Public pubCellDValue As Long
    '# routine to process changes made to the published date shown in column B - this routine is triggered by the
    '# worksheet_change event in case of a change made to any cell in column B
         Public Sub ChangedPublishDate(ByRef rngTarget As Excel.Range)
         '# declare
              Dim intTextLength As Integer
         '# if the public variable pubCellBvalue holds a value then this value represents the previous value
         '# held in the cell before a user made a change - this value must be appended to the value in column
         '# C for the current row
              If LenB(pubCellBValue & "") > 0 Then
                   intTextLength = Len(ActiveSheet.Cells(rngTarget.Row, "C").Value)
                   ActiveSheet.Cells(rngTarget.Row, "C").Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(rngTarget.Row, "C").Value & vbLf & pubCellBValue
                   ActiveSheet.Cells(rngTarget.Row, "C").Characters(intTextLength + 1, Len(pubCellBValue)).Font.Strikethrough = True
                   pubCellBValue = vbNullString
              End If
         End Sub
    '# routine to process changes made to the estimate shown in column D - this routine is triggered by the
    '# worksheet_change event in case of a change made to any cell in column D
         Public Sub ChangedEstimate(ByRef rngTarget As Excel.Range)
         '# declare
              Dim intTextLength As Integer
         '# if the public variable pubCellBvalue holds a value then this value represents the previous value
         '# held in the cell before a user made a change - this value must be appended to the value in column
         '# C for the current row
              If pubCellDValue > 0 Then
                   intTextLength = Len(ActiveSheet.Cells(rngTarget.Row, "E").Value)
                   ActiveSheet.Cells(rngTarget.Row, "E").Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(rngTarget.Row, "E").Value & vbLf & pubCellDValue
                   ActiveSheet.Cells(rngTarget.Row, "E").Characters(intTextLength + 1, Len(pubCellDValue)).Font.Strikethrough = True
                   pubCellDValue = 0
              End If
         End Sub
    '# routine to process a project being reported as complete - this routine is triggered by the
    '# worksheet_change event in case of a change made to any cell in column G where the selected value equals 'Complete'
         Public Sub CompleteProject(ByRef rngTarget As Excel.Range)
         '# declare
              Dim strCompletionDate As String
         '# prompt the user for a completion date
              strCompletionDate = Application.InputBox("Please specifiy completion date", "Complete", Format$(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy"), , , , , 2)
              If Not IsDate(strCompletionDate) Then
                   MsgBox "No valid date provided"
              End If
         '# store the completion date
              rngTarget.Offset(, 2).Value = DateValue(strCompletionDate)
         '# move the row onto the complete worksheet
              rngTarget.Parent.Rows(rngTarget.Row).Copy ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Complete").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1)
         End Sub
    If you like my contribution click the star icon!

  3. #3
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    Re: Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

    Hi Ollie, this is absolutely brilliant and does everything I asked for. Thank you very much you are a star.

    I have just taken out the line 'rngTarget.Parent.Rows(rngTarget.Row).Delete' because I want to keep this data for that reporting period but then want to delete it the following month. Therefore I need another routiune that checks on opening the workbook if the completed project on the data worksheet has been copied into the complete worksheet and deletes the project data from the data worksheet. Do you have any ideas?

  4. #4
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

    I think you are better off using a button that, when clicked by the user, removes all project rows with a completion date in the previous month (as determined by the current date) after asking the user whether he/she is really sure. The routine below can be linked to such a command button, or can be called from within the workbook_open event. Up to you :-)

    '# this routine is triggered by the user via a command_button to remove all projects from the data worksheet, where
    '# the completion month < prior month and the project is found on the Complete worksheet
         Public Sub RemoveCompletedProjects()
         '# declare
              Dim xlsDATA As Excel.Worksheet
              Dim xlsCOMPLETE As Excel.Worksheet
              Dim lngRowNumber As Long
              Dim lngInnerLoop As Long
              Dim flgArchived As Boolean
              Dim intResponse As VbMsgBoxResult
         '# ask the user for a confirmation
              intResponse = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to remove completed projects from the data worksheet?", vbYesNo, "Confirm")
              If intResponse <> vbYes Then
                   Exit Sub
              End If
         '# disable event processing because we are going to delete some rows
         '# from the data worksheet
              Application.EnableEvents = False
         '# loop for all completed projects and check whether the completion date lies in the previous month, if
         '# yes, check that the project also exists on the Complete worksheet before it is actually removed
              Set xlsDATA = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data")
              Set xlsCOMPLETE = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Complete")
              With xlsDATA
                   For lngRowNumber = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row To 1 Step -1
                   '# if status complete
                        If .Cells(lngRowNumber, "G").Value = "Complete" Then
                        '# if completed in the previous month
                             If Format(.Cells(lngRowNumber, "I").Value, "yyyymm") < Format(Now(), "yyyymm") Then
                             '# if present on complete worksheet
                                  flgArchived = False
                                  With xlsCOMPLETE
                                       For lngInnerLoop = 2 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
                                            If .Cells(lngInnerLoop, "A").Value = xlsDATA.Cells(lngRowNumber, "A").Value Then
                                                 flgArchived = True
                                                 Exit For
                                            End If
                                       Next lngInnerLoop
                                  End With
                             '# if found on complete worksheet, delete row
                             End If
                        End If
                   Next lngRowNumber
              End With
         '# restore event handling
              Application.EnableEvents = True
         End Sub

  5. #5
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    Re: Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

    Again, this works brilliantly, and I agree, adding it to a button is better solution.

    With regard to opening a word template and then copying this data across. Although I have had some replies, none of them have worked, whereas yours have worked first time.

    Thank you

  6. #6
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

    If you want assistance on the export to Word please provide a copy of the Word document and a description of what you would like to happen.

  7. #7
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    Re: Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

    Thank you Olli. I have added a copy of the word document that is created when opening a new document from my template. I am unable to upload the template for you to see as ti doesn't accept the file extension. Below is what I want to achieve:

    1. Once the user has finished updating their report I want them to press a button, which opens a new word document from a template called "monthly report.dotm" from their 'my template' area
    2. I then want it to copy the data from the worksheet "data" from within the sample workbook you have been working with. Goto the bookmark "projects" in the new word doument and paste the data range.

    I hope this is clear enough for you

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  8. #8
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

    Please post the template in a zip file (that is allowed) and I will have a go at writing a solution for you

  9. #9
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    Re: Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

    Hi Ollie, that would be absolutely fantastic. I have therefore attached a zip file with the template in.
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  10. #10
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    Re: Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

    Hi Ollie, I have transferred the excel workbook to another laptop and I am now getting an error message ' cannot find project or library'. Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this?

  11. #11
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

    brigitte, I noticed that there are some special project references which also prevented me from compiling any code. Hence I have only posted the code as text and did not include any workbook to you. Go to Tools/Reference and "deselect" those references with a text MISSING:. That should solve your problem as I do not think you require them. I will try to work on your document export this weekend.

  12. #12
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

    I just noticed you wanted to paste the table on the data worksheet. Revised code below

    '# this routine is triggered by the user via a command_button to export details of completed projects to a
    '# Word document opened by the user
         Public Sub ExportCompletedProjects()
         '# declare
              Dim xlsCOMPLETE As Excel.Worksheet
              Dim lngRowNumber As Long
              Dim appWord As Word.Application
              Dim docEXPORT As Word.Document
              Dim docSelection As Word.Selection
              Dim strDocumentName As String
         '# create an instance of Word and attempt to open the selected document
              Set appWord = New Word.Application
              Set docEXPORT = appWord.Documents.Add(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Monthly Report.dotm", , , True)
              Set docSelection = appWord.Selection
              If docEXPORT Is Nothing Then
                   MsgBox "An error occured while creating a new document based on Monthly Report.dotm, process aborted", vbCritical, "ERROR"
                   Exit Sub
              End If
         '# move the document selection to the projects bookmark
              appWord.Selection.Goto What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="Projects"
         '# copy & paste the range holding all projects
              With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data")
                   lngRowNumber = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
                   .Cells(1, "A").Resize(lngRowNumber, 9).Copy
              End With
         '# prompt for saving the document
              appWord.Visible = True
         '# housekeeping
              Set docEXPORT = Nothing
              Set docSelection = Nothing
              Set appWord = Nothing
         End Sub

  13. #13
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

    brigitte, we never really discussed what you would like to have written into the Projects bookmark section of the Word template so I have just provided the framework below. It should be quite easy to expand on. Perhaps by adding a table to the Projects section and filling that in. Note that the code assumes that the document template will be available in the same directory as the workbook itself.

    Try this

    '# this routine is triggered by the user via a command_button to export details of completed projects to a
    '# Word document opened by the user
         Public Sub ExportCompletedProjects()
         '# declare
              Dim xlsCOMPLETE As Excel.Worksheet
              Dim lngRowNumber As Long
              Dim appWord As Word.Application
              Dim docEXPORT As Word.Document
              Dim docSelection As Word.Selection
              Dim strDocumentName As String
         '# create an instance of Word and attempt to open the selected document
              Set appWord = New Word.Application
              Set docEXPORT = appWord.Documents.Add(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Monthly Report.dotm", , , True)
              Set docSelection = appWord.Selection
              If docEXPORT Is Nothing Then
                   MsgBox "An error occured while creating a new document based on Monthly Report.dotm, process aborted", vbCritical, "ERROR"
                   Exit Sub
              End If
         '# move the document selection to the projects bookmark
              appWord.Selection.Goto What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="Projects"
         '# process all records from the Complete worksheet
              With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Complete")
                   For lngRowNumber = 2 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
                        docSelection.TypeText Text:=.Cells(lngRowNumber, "A").Value & vbTab & .Cells(lngRowNumber, "I").Value
                   Next lngRowNumber
              End With
         '# prompt for saving the document
              appWord.Visible = True
         '# housekeeping
              Set docEXPORT = Nothing
              Set docSelection = Nothing
              Set appWord = Nothing
         End Sub

  14. #14
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

    Hi Brigitte, is this solution working for you?

  15. #15
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    Re: Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

    Hi Ollie

    Sorry I haven't replied to your messages, unfortunately my husband died at the end of January and I have only just returned to work. I have a few changes to my spreadsheet that I would like some help with, would you be able to look at these for me?


  16. #16
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    Re: Macro to check if data has changed and append to another cell

    Could I have some assistance in making the cell bold in Column B when date has been changed and has been copied across to column C?

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