Total noob's first post here. I'm really lost on which way, or even how to do this. I'll give the background. I work at a call center based here in the U.S.A.And my boss asked me if I could think of a way to track parts of the call flow. I think the first thing to do would be to time sections of the call flow. So we can see the time it really takes. My main goal is to show that sometimes all of that info gathering is not only annoying for the tech on the phone. but also irritating for a customer who's issue could be solved in a few minutes; and maybe it actually costs more to gather the info than it is worth.
I'll attach a sheet so you get my train of thought.
My problem is I don't know how to set the timers. I would like the timer to be in the h:mm:ss format, and to be triggered by either entering in info into the field directly, ie.. entering a email address would start the timer in the email time cell and/or clicking on the email time cell would also start it. I think I can figure out the average and total cells.
Any Ideas or suggestion's would be great!