Hi, I've had a search for what I am looking for but can't seem to find it.

I have multiple user defined cells across multiple sheets in my work book that I would like a macro to clear, in order to use the sheet from blank.

I tried doing with with record macro, but it was activating the sheets & cells and it looks very messy, I tried to remove the activate sheets & cells from the VBA, but that didn't seem to help.

Basically I want to just click a button and all required cells are cleared, no changing sheet.

I am using Excel 2010.

I tried with this VBA formula, but it's not liking it, I'm fairly sure I've coded it wrong, but what I am looking for is how to make it right.

Sub Clear_All()
    Dim aRange, bRange, cRange, dRange, eRange, fRange As Range
    Set aRange = Sheets("Documentation").Cells("L2:M85,C3:K5,C7:K9,C11:K13,C15:K17,C19:K21,C23:K25,C27:K29,C31:K33,C35:K37,C39:K41,C43:K45,C47:K49,C51:K53,C55:K57,C59:K61,C63:K65,C67:K69,C71:K73,C75:K77,C79:K81,C83:K85") 'Documentation Inputs
    Set bRange = Sheets("Personnel").Cells("L2:M61,C3:K5,C7:K9,C11:K13,C15:K17,C19:K21,C23:K25,C27:K29,C31:K33,C35:K37,C39:K41,C43:K45,C47:K49,C51:K53,C55:K57,C59:K61") 'Personnel inputs
    Set cRange = Sheets("Site_Readiness").Cells("L2:M97,C3:K5,C7:K9,C11:K13,C15:K17,C19:K21,C23:K25,C27:K29,C31:K33,C35:K37,C39:K41,C43:K45,C47:K49,C51:K53,C55:K57,C59:K61,C63:K65,C67:K69,C71:K73,C75:K77,C79:K81,C83:K85,C87:K89,C91:K93,C95:K97") 'Site Readiness inputs
    Set dRange = Sheets("Information").Cells("C4:C7") 'Removes Project Information
    Set eRange = Sheets("Actions").Cells("AJ48:BV62") 'Removes Executive Summary
    Set fRange = Sheets("Attendees").Cells("B5:E37,G5:G37") 'Clears Attendance Register
End Sub
All help appreciated.