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VBA Excel - COUNT, AVG, & MIN with textboxes

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patrickmt VBA Excel - COUNT, AVG, & MIN... 05-13-2013, 03:07 PM
tehneXus Re: VBA Excel - COUNT, AVG, &... 05-13-2013, 05:18 PM
patrickmt Re: VBA Excel - COUNT, AVG, &... 05-14-2013, 01:21 PM
mehmetcik Re: VBA Excel - COUNT, AVG, &... 05-14-2013, 01:41 PM
tehneXus Re: VBA Excel - COUNT, AVG, &... 05-14-2013, 01:43 PM
patrickmt Re: VBA Excel - COUNT, AVG, &... 05-14-2013, 02:00 PM
tehneXus Re: VBA Excel - COUNT, AVG, &... 05-14-2013, 02:12 PM
  1. #1
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    VBA Excel - COUNT, AVG, & MIN with textboxes

    I have 25 text field boxes. Each one is labled as such: txt1, txt2, txt3, txt4, etc. What I need to do is have it loop though and find the AVG and MIN of all text boxes while also excluding any zeros and being able to count how many non zeros are entered.
    For example...

    txt1 - 456
    txt2 - 455
    txt3 - 456
    txt4 - 0
    txt5 - 449
    txt6 - 445

    The average would be 452.2 and the minimal number would be 445. Altough 6 boxes have been filled in, only 5 boxes have non "0" in them so therefore the COUNT fould be 5. Only these three numbers would theen be submitted to my excel sheet.

    I know how to do all this via excel but it would be so much easier (in my own thinking) to just allow this form do all the work. There will be 3 different people using this form a day and 2 of them hate and dispise of excel, so that was the reason behind all of this.

    Everything is already set up and ready to submit, I just can't figure the looping process out.

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor tehneXus's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Excel - COUNT, AVG, & MIN with textboxes

    try this:
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
        Dim ctrl As Control
        Dim sum As Long, avg As Double, count As Long, min As Long, max As Long
        min = 2147483647
        For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
            If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" And Left(ctrl.Name, 3) = "txt" Then
                If IsNumeric(ctrl.Value) Then
                    If ctrl.Value > 0 Then
                        count = count + 1
                        sum = sum + ctrl.Value
                        If max < ctrl.Value Then max = ctrl.Value
                        If min > ctrl.Value Then min = ctrl.Value
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next ctrl
        If count = 0 Then MsgBox "Count = 0": Exit Sub
        avg = sum / count
        MsgBox "Sum = " & sum & vbLf & _
               "Count = " & count & vbLf & _
               "Avg = " & avg & vbLf & _
               "Min = " & min & vbLf & _
               "Max = " & max
    End Sub
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  3. #3
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    Re: VBA Excel - COUNT, AVG, & MIN with textboxes

    Thanks so much for your help on getting this resolved for me.

    It works great, except, I need the three numbers - count, avg, & min - to be submitted to a spreadsheet not a msgbox. Should I create another control button and call it "calculate" and then have the data sent to another text field which then have the submitt button? Which would be the easiest to do?

  4. #4
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    Re: VBA Excel - COUNT, AVG, & MIN with textboxes


    TehneXus has given you three variables avg, min, max.

    if you want these on a spread sheet then delete the section of code that opens the msgbox and write the variables to the spreadsheet

    range("A1").value = avg
    range("A2").value = min
    range("A3").value = max

  5. #5
    Valued Forum Contributor tehneXus's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Excel - COUNT, AVG, & MIN with textboxes


    replace the msgbox with
        With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
            .Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(2, 3)).Value2 = Array(count, avg, min)
        End With
    it will write the values into sheet1, row2, A:C.


  6. #6
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    Re: VBA Excel - COUNT, AVG, & MIN with textboxes

    Why would I be getting an error with my code?

    Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
        Dim ctrl As Control
        Dim sum As Long, avg As Double, count As Long, min As Long, max As Long
        min = 2147483647
        For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
            If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" And Left(ctrl.Name, 3) = "cfs" Then
                If IsNumeric(ctrl.Value) Then
                    If ctrl.Value > 0 Then
                        count = count + 1
                        sum = sum + ctrl.Value
                        If max < ctrl.Value Then max = ctrl.Value
                        If min > ctrl.Value Then min = ctrl.Value
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next ctrl
        If count = 0 Then MsgBox "There was no river flow entered. Please check the Wastewater Effluent Report and try again.": Exit Sub
        avg = sum / count
        MsgBox "Flow Hours = " & count & vbLf & _
               "Average River Flow = " & avg & vbLf & _
               "Minimal River Flow = " & min
        With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("collection")
            lRow = ws.Cells(33, 3).End(xlUp).Row + 1
        With ws
            .Cells(lRow, "AR").Value = avg
            .Cells(lRow, "AS").Value = min
            .Cells(lRow, "AT").Value = count
            .Cells(lRow, "AU").Value = Me.txtTotalizer.Value
         End With
         End With
    End Sub

  7. #7
    Valued Forum Contributor tehneXus's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Excel - COUNT, AVG, & MIN with textboxes

    you haven't set anything to 'ws'
    Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
        Dim ctrl As Control
        Dim sum As Long, avg As Double, count As Long, min As Long, max As Long
        min = 2147483647
        For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
            If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" And Left(ctrl.Name, 3) = "cfs" Then
                If IsNumeric(ctrl.Value) Then
                    If ctrl.Value > 0 Then
                        count = count + 1
                        sum = sum + ctrl.Value
                        If max < ctrl.Value Then max = ctrl.Value
                        If min > ctrl.Value Then min = ctrl.Value
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next ctrl
        If count = 0 Then MsgBox "There was no river flow entered. Please check the Wastewater Effluent Report and try again.": Exit Sub
        avg = sum / count
        MsgBox "Flow Hours = " & count & vbLf & _
               "Average River Flow = " & avg & vbLf & _
               "Minimal River Flow = " & min
        With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("collection")
            lRow = .Cells(33, 3).End(xlUp).Row + 1
            .Cells(lRow, "AR").Value = avg
            .Cells(lRow, "AS").Value = min
            .Cells(lRow, "AT").Value = count
            .Cells(lRow, "AU").Value = Me.txtTotalizer.Value
         End With
    End Sub

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