Hello! I have a macro that searches a worksheet for a word, and deletes any row that contains that word. I would like to, instead, use a range of words, and delete any row that contains any word in the range! Here is what I have so far.
Sub SearchForZirh()
With ActiveSheet
Set rngFindTotal = .Cells.Find("Zirh", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False)
While Not rngFindTotal Is Nothing
Set rngFindTotal = .Cells.FindNext
End With
End Sub
The Range I wish to use is D2:D20 on the worksheet "Config". This macro is going to be used on multiple different worksheets, but the range of words I'm going to use will always be Config!D2:D20.
Thank you for your time!