I've been trying to put togeather code based on simular situations found on this and many other forums. But i Cannot get
it to work..
Basic structure.
How I work today:
I have a database with products that have a lot of information on every row.
Right now i first sum up on a peace of paper then look up the product in my database, copy it to my summary and fill in the
amount, place/floor and drawing (this is construction based excel calculation).
Future function:
I have created a new Sheet called KodKalkyl. In this I would like to specify the code that is specific to every product then
the amount, place/floor and drawing name.
When this is done I'd like to run the VBA code to automaticly look for the product specific code in sheet("Artiklar"), if found
copy entire row into summary sheet sheet("Kalkyl"). Then fill in the rest of the info regarding on what floor and in what drawing it can be found.
Then on to the next row and so on until there is an empty column.
If there is a kind soul out there who would like to help me it would be very much appreciated.
KodKalkyl = Entry form sheet
Artiklar = Database sheet
Kalkyl = Summary sheet
I'm from Sweden so this might be a bit hard to understand. I have color marked everything to make it easy to understand.
With Regards
Kristian Fredriksson