I am not sure I understand your solution.
I did a bit more Macro recording after my initial post, so I will describe the current situation/dilemma.
The sheet is protected right now without a password. When the file is distributed to the department, the sheet will already be protected. The macro enabled button is also protected, so no one can alter the button, list, or hidden advanced filter. When they click the macro enabled button, it unprotects the sheet, updates from SharePoint, applies the advanced filter, and then re-protects the sheet.
This is exactly what I want it to do, but I want the sheet to be protected by a password. At the moment, anyone could unprotect the sheet with the click of the mouse and delete the macro button or alter the advanced filter.
I apologize in advance if I am breaking any rules or not following guidelines (I am very new to the forum). Below is what my recorded macro looks like in the VBA editor:
Is there a simply line of code that I could insert that would type the password in to unprotect the sheet and then again to re-protect the sheet?