Hiya all,

I have a simple macro that copies information across to another workbook, on a new line.

We are in an office where the workbook 'output.xls' is saved on a shared drive that all staff have modify access to. The workbook that this script runs from, 'input.xls', is saved to each person's personal drive.

The form seems to work perfectly fine for half of the agents, but other agents get a read only version of 'output.xls' opening instead, and so they get a debug error when it tries to save. I cannot figure out why this would happen for some colleagues, but not others.

Any ideas?

Thank you.

Sub Submit()
Workbooks.Open "\\Dfs60160\folders\CSA DOCS\Signing Evidence Collation\Output.xls", ReadOnly:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Input").Range("C5:H5").Copy Destination:=Workbooks("Output.xls").Sheets("Data").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
    ChDir _
        "\\Dfs60160\folders\CSA DOCS\Signing Evidence Collation\"
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
        "\\Dfs60160\folders\CSA DOCS\Signing Evidence Collation\Output.xls" _
        , FileFormat:=xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _
        ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
MsgBox "Data Successfully Saved. Thank you."
End Sub