So first of all some notes:
1) Anything in the following with "*****" in the comments needs your attention, and I try to put a note as to how/why in the comment.
2) This assumes that all addresses have the same number of data points... as such it won't work if some have 3 lines, others have 5 lines, etc.
3) Make a new sheet for the target so you don't overwrite any data.
That said, there is a way to do this without a macro at all, which I will also show. First the code:
The formulas would just need to start in row 1 of the same sheet as the data, and you need to fill it over and change it slightly for each of the address parts. Once you do this for the first set of n address parts you can just fill the formula down and it will turn into zeroes when it runs out of data:
Just change the bold part above to the A1-A5, and the 5 to represent 5 address parts. I have attached a jpg to show what I mean because I think the explanation is a little arcane.