Dear Forum,
I would need to make several Pivot Tables and also several Charts/Graphs from a particular Database and this is quite Time-Consuming so for saving the trouble of doing redundant things I am planning to create some basic Macros which will help me save time..
I have decided to Make a basic Pivot table structure from this Data which is going to be just a Skeleton with no Elements as these elements would be decided based on the analysis that we need to carry out..
The BASIC PIVOT TABLE needs to be created using a MACRO.., Now once this is ready and finalised I would need to copy the DATA of the PIVOT TABLE and strip it off the PIVOT TABLE characteristics so as to make it more easier for the CHART RANGE.
But the challenge is that the PIVOT TABLE would not have the same Dimensions so to fix a RANGE is not a good idea, As Pivot tables also allow us to provide Ist, IInd , so on so forth Filters for the Main Pivot Data its difficult to define a Range..
So I need help on this which can help me find the Range of only the Main Data and then create a Copy of this Data Exactly 2 Blank Rows below this Pivot Table.
For Ex: -
In a Pivot Table I have two filters which would use up the first two rows and then actual Pivot Data would begin from the third Row and end till the sixth row then the actual Data that needs to be copied would be
from the Column A3:E6..
Now there's one more challenge of getting the Last Column which has the data which in this case is E..
So how do I do this for changing Pivot Table Ranges in different Sheets..
Warm Regards