I setup a key combination to call macro to move cursor to cell of choice.
In ThisWorkbook module I have:
Private Sub workbook_open()
Application.OnKey "^q", "TABOVER"
Application.OnKey "%s", "TABOVER_SN"
'Application.OnKey "%r", "StartCol3"
Application.OnKey "%`", "StartCol3"
End Sub
Then in a standard module, I have:
Sub TabOver()
'Cells.goto ("Q" & ActiveCell.Row)
Application.GoTo Reference:=Worksheets("DATA").Range("W" & ActiveCell.Row)
End Sub
Sub TabOver_SN()
'Cells.goto ("Q" & ActiveCell.Row)
Application.GoTo Reference:=Worksheets("DATA").Range("Q" & ActiveCell.Row)
End Sub
Sub StartCol3()
If Not Application.CutCopyMode Then
Worksheets("DATA").Range("C" & ActiveCell.Row + 1).Select
End If
End Sub