This is partial code (there are additional case statements) which errors out and then crashes file when I change the tab from say 2013 to 2014. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

This code refers to a a combobox list and associated range names on sheet1 named '2013'. Sheet1 is designed to hide designated columns or reveal all columns. Users select the Program from the combo box which hide all other program columns. Everything works perfectly until I attempt to change the sheet name which reflects the year being planned for. There is only one sheet in workbook.

Private Sub cboGotoProgramsSelection_Change()
''Hides programs columns, except for selected Program Name. Case arguments reference named ranges _
in worksheet. ComboBox list is located at "C220". Note: program names (shown in E2:P2) change _
so they are linked in ComboBox list to names that do not change, i.e.: numberzero, _
numberone, etc. NumberZero is located in cell D2, labled "SHOW ALL" and text set to white.
Dim Value As String

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Select Case cboGotoProgramsSelection.Value
Case "NumberZero"
Sheet1.Columns("E:HV").EntireColumn.Hidden = False 'Unhides columns <--Crashes here when changing sheet name. Code name is Sheet1. Sheet name is 2013.
Range("C2").Select 'Places cursor at "C2"

Case "NumberOne"
Sheet1.Columns("E:HV").EntireColumn.Hidden = False 'Unhides columns
Sheet1.Columns("F:Q").EntireColumn.Hidden = True 'Hides selected columns

End Select
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub