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Pull data from multiple sheets macro

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  1. #1
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    Pull data from multiple sheets macro


    I was previously helped with a macro which would return data from sheets 1-6 if the row contained data (if it didn’t it was ignored).

    Currently it is set up to pull data for only three months. This is defined by cells E5:G5 on the upload sheet e.g. if period 1 is in cell E5 then it would pull the rows which contain data on sheets 1 to 6 in the period 1 column.

    I now need the macro below amended so that it pulls 12 months rather than 3 – how would it be ameneded?

    Sub UploadData()
    Dim TR, LR, LC1, LC2, LC3, Sum1, Sum2, Sum3, Wrow As Long
    Dim Sh
    Dim K As String
    On Error Resume Next
    LC1 = Sheets("1").Cells.Find(Sheets("Upload").Range("E5").Value).Column
    LC2 = Sheets("1").Cells.Find(Sheets("Upload").Range("F5").Value).Column
    LC3 = Sheets("1").Cells.Find(Sheets("Upload").Range("G5").Value).Column
    Wrow = 6
    For TR = 6 To 277
        For Each Sh In Worksheets
     If Sh.Cells(TR, "A") <> "" And Sh.Cells(TR, "G") <> "" Then
           If Sh.Name <> "Upload" And Sh.Name <> "Summary" Then
            Sum1 = Sh.Cells(TR, LC1).Value
            Sum2 = Sh.Cells(TR, LC2).Value
            Sum3 = Sh.Cells(TR, LC3).Value
            End If
        If Sum1 + Sum2 + Sum3 > 0 Then
            If Sum1 > 0 Then Sheets("Upload").Cells(Wrow, "E") = Sum1
            If Sum2 > 0 Then Sheets("Upload").Cells(Wrow, "F") = Sum2
            If Sum3 > 0 Then Sheets("Upload").Cells(Wrow, "G") = Sum3
        Sheets("Upload").Cells(Wrow, "B") = Sh.Cells(TR, "A")
        Sheets("Upload").Cells(Wrow, "C") = Sh.Cells(TR, "G")
        K = Trim(Sh.Cells(TR, "I"))
        Sheets("Upload").Cells(Wrow, "D") = Right(K, Len(K) - 7)
        Wrow = Wrow + 1
        K = ""
        End If
     End If
        Next Sh
    Next TR
    End Sub
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert p24leclerc's Avatar
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    Excel 2021

    Re: Pull data from multiple sheets macro

    try this:
    Public Sub test()
    Dim Rng_Period As Range, Rng_Column As Long, I As Integer
    Dim Sum1, Wrow, K, Sh As Worksheet, Tr
    Set Rng_Period = Range("E5", Cells(5, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft))
    Rng_Column = Sheets("1").Cells.Find(Rng_Period(1, 1).Value).Column
    Wrow = 6
    For Tr = 6 To 277
      For Each Sh In Worksheets
        If Sh.Cells(Tr, "A") <> "" And Sh.Cells(Tr, "G") <> "" Then
          If Sh.Name <> "Upload" And Sh.Name <> "Summary" Then
            For I = 1 To Rng_Period.Count
              Rng_Column = Sh.Cells.Find(Rng_Period(1, I).Value).Column
              Sum1 = Sh.Cells(Tr, Rng_Column).Value
              If Sum1 > 0 Then
                Sheets("Upload").Cells(Wrow, 4 + I) = Sum1
                K = Trim(Sh.Cells(Tr, "I"))
                Sheets("Upload").Cells(Wrow, "B") = Sh.Cells(Tr, "A")
                Sheets("Upload").Cells(Wrow, "C") = Sh.Cells(Tr, "G")
                Sheets("Upload").Cells(Wrow, "D") = Right(K, Len(K) - 7)
                K = ""
              End If
          End If
        End If
        If Sheets("Upload").Cells(Wrow, "B") <> "" Then Wrow = Wrow + 1
      Next Sh
    Next Tr
    End Sub
    Pierre Leclerc

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