Hi all,

I am looking to create a search engine capability inside a database I have created in Excel. I realise there is the find function already built into Excel however this is not what I want.
Ideally I want a text field at the top of the worksheet that returns every row from a large database that contains a match with specified text either stand alone or contained within a string. ie searching for 'xyz' returns the results of 'xyz' and '123xyz456'.
The rest of the database entries are removed from the search results, not just highlighting the found text. This is because the database is very large and to scroll through all of the entries looking for results would not be user friendly.
I also want to only search database entries, meaning the column headings ect stay visible with the search results displayed in the relevant column.

As a bit of background the database contains a list of ~1000 products with their characteristics populating each row as you go along the column. The search would then be able to return product X Manufactured by Y if the user searched for Y.

While I have some experience with coding, C++ and Java but not VisualBasic, this is not a coding project so I would appreciate as much help as possible when it comes to the code.
I am fairly new to advanced level Excel.

The second part (I think will be slightly easier) is to have a 'sort by' drop down box, something likeyou have on Amazon ect, whereby the user can select sort by make, model, price ect and it returns the list aalphabetically according to this field.

Thanks in advance!!!
