Hey guys I have a vba code Sheets("Inventory").Range("A10").EntireRow.Insert Shift:=x1down, adding a row to the top of the table. Each time I push down the rest of the rows, all the reference values change even when I put dollar sign in front of it.

I'm writing in my code using vba Sheets("Inventory").Cells(row_start, qtyp_col) = "=sumif($" & partnum_col0 & "$" & row_start & ":$" & pa...............
Is there any way so that in vba or either excel so that no matter what I do adding new rows or whatever, keeps that cell values the same no matter what??

Basically I want =sumif($a$1:$a$100000, "fdafdafa" , $b$1:$b$100000) to stay the same, even when I add new rows above this row.

Any help appreciated, Thanks!

Xa Vang