Dear All,

My excel sheet contains 6 columns with information that is related to each other. In 3 of the columns (D-F) there are multiple entries, most of the time separated either by "%7C" and/or by a "comma". The data on column F is organized in a way that relates to how information is given (organized) in columns D and E. I need to match the score information on column F with correspondent experiment and sample information on columns D and E, respectively. I am new at dealing with macros and was wondering if it is even possible to write a macro able to do this. I have created a sample file with more detailed information about the way data is organized and how I would likely want the data to be organized after applying the macro. I would enormously appreciate your help in this since the real file I have to deal with contains about 60000 rows and is unlikely that I can organize all the data just by hand.

Thank you for your time,


Example for excel forum help.xlsx