Hello Wonderful Forum Members,
I downloaded a temperature and rainfall data for a couple of years (1994-2012). I am having a headache with this data since the format it has now will not be able to help in my analysis. However, I would like to get tow main Things
1. Transpose the data by day using a unique field (STID) in one column and the days in another column. The STID represents the various stations that collect the data and there are 137 of them. What I want is to have just the 137 STID's for all the years between 1994-2012 in one column (137) and then the columns to the right of these stations will be the daily temperature and rainfall data etc from 1/1/1994-12/31/2012. sounds like it will be a long list of columns.
2. The second thing I would like to get is to calculate the monthly averages for all the data in the excel file and transpose it in the same format as described above.
Any Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for even taking the time to read and help.