I am new to Macros and was trying to generate one.
Tasks: 1) Source data is in Temp_List.xlsm. I need to copy the data in cells A2, B2, C2 of Temp_List.xlsm and paste it in I24:Q25, D24:F25 and I22:Q23 respectively of Pointer-A-DWG1.xlsx file.
2) Then save this above file with filename given in cell D2 of Temp_List.xlsm file at particular location (For example - C:\Documents and Settings\vinbill5\Desktop\Pointer_Dwgs\Delivery_Pointer_Dwgs)
3) Continue similarly to copy data in cells A3, B3, C3 of Temp_List.xlsm and paste it in I24:Q25, D24:F25 and I22:Q23 respectively of previously saved file or Pointer-A-DWG1.xlsx original file.
4) Save this second file with filename given in cell D3 of Temp_List.xlsm file at particular location (For example - C:\Documents and Settings\vinbill5\Desktop\Pointer_Dwgs\Delivery_Pointer_Dwgs)
5) Continue creating new excel workbooks till there is data in rows of column A:A. In the above sample file of Temp_List.xlsm, there are 4 rows having data and hence 4 excel files would be created with proper names.
I tried creating macro but, each time, it creates file with the same values in 2nd row. Evenif I change the values in 2nd row, it replaces them with the values that I had provided while creating the macro.
Please help me with the above tasks, I need to create almost 2000 files every day and wish to automate this task.