Hi there,

I'm trying to get it so that upon opening the sheet 25 of my 28 worksheets in a workbook are hidden, then when a hyperlink is clicked on 1 of the 3 visible worksheets it opens the hidden sheet, and hides it again once the user goes back to the visible sheets.

...is that possible? I found a forum post on Ozgrid that seemed to give me macros for what I needed ( http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthre...185#post540185 ) but they I can't them to work on my sheet (I keep getting runtime error 9), and simpler codes I've found give me runtime error 5.

Can anyone help? Here is my worksheet attached:
Risk Heat Map Draft 15.xls
Due to attachment limit I've had to cut down the number of background worksheets I have, so "Risk Table - EDITABLE", "GxP Risk Heat Map" and "Risk Metrics" would all remain visible, while "1-1" and "1-2" would be hidden. On top of these there are sheets "1-3","1-4","1-5","2-1","2-2","2-3" all the way up to "5-5" making 25 in total.

I'm completely unaquainted with Visual Basic so sorry if I'm missing something really simple! Thanks for any help!
