The check in check out button seems like a viable option, but still too manual for my tastes since it is still possible for people to edit the quantities and/or serial numbers without the courtesy of marking when they fixed it. Most of the users of this worksheet will not be inclined to use such courtesy.
there are 9 active columns which i would like to have monitored by timestamp in row 44.
I have attached an example...
-----------------edit 19Apr2013-------------------
Hello again excel forum,
I have been looking around to solve my issue, but to avoid cross posting I have edited my initial response to see if I am on the right track... I think this is the type of timestamp i am looking for except i have my spreadsheet oriented where the timestamps have to be in the same column at row 44. Is it possible to edit the code to say something like this perhaps:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B3:B40")) Is Nothing Then
Target.Cell(44, 1).Value = Now()
End If
End Sub
Also, if i copy paste this code say, 6 more times will it result in 6 independent timestamps? I have been toying with this code to no avail, but hopefully I am on the right track to a solution. I would feel a little wierd if i were asking for help and not also trying to find a solution myself... but I don't want to undermine any efforts given by the experts at this forum. Thank you for all your efforts!