I have a spreadsheet with inventories for 6 different toolboxes itemized by quantity and serial number. The tools get taken out and brought back with varying degrees of completion, but are inventoried on departure and return. My boss would like to know when each specific box had its last inventory done and I suppose entering each timestamp manually would be easier but I am not the only person changing the values.

Using what I have picked up from google, I learned to timestamp a cell based on the entire worksheet being saved or changed, but I am asking that a specific row (44) be changed when values in the corresponding column (B through O) is changed or new data is entered. The data in each column is only in rows 3-40... if that helps.

Current Progress:
My attempt at compiling a macro to meet my needs after several copy and paste and edit jobs has left me trying to patch together this code after trying to understand what works and what doesn't from several trials, errors and examples:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim c As Range
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    For Each c In Target
        If c.Column > 1 And c.Column < 20 Then
            Cells(44, c.Column) = Now
        End If
    Next c
    Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
If the macro I am attempting is not possible please let me know why. A possible workaround i have thought of is using multiple macros, one for each column, however i have not been able to work that properly. I am also looking into using helper cells if needed. Thank you for your forums insight into my problem thus far, the knowledge here has helped me in the past without my need to step any further past searches. And thank you in advance for any time you take replying to my post and/or helping with my work.