I have managed to find online, code to add the date into a cell depending on the properties of that cell which all works fine if I run the code from VB. Now I need to add this to a button command. I am sure this is simple to do but I cannot get it to work. I know how to create the button but I cannot adjust the code to make it work. My code is:

Sub X()
    Dim lngRow As Long
    Dim BotRow As Long
    Cells(Rows.Count, "W").Select
    BotRow = Selection.Row
    For lngRow = 1 To BotRow
        If UCase(Cells(lngRow, "W")) = "Y" Then
            Cells(lngRow, "W") = Cells(lngRow, "W") & Format(Date, "mm-dd-yyyy")
        End If
End Sub
Any ideas would be gratefully received.
