
After watching some VBA tutorials on youtube, I am sure this is far above my Excel skills. Therefore, I will put it out there for anyone who has the skills and the kindness to help.

This is what I would like the makro to do:

- all cells in range F7:F36 are empty (=no numeric value), leave cell A5 EMPTY
- any cell in F7:F36 has a positive numeric value, go to G column and check for same row (meaning if F7 has a number, than check G7, F8, check G8 aso)
- the range G7:G36 contains text provided within in a drop-down list, per default the cells will be empty, unless user opens the drop-down and chooses a currency
- the warning "choose currency" should pop up in cell A5 if any cell in the F-range contains a value, but no corresponding input is in the matching G-cell
- if there is a matching value (user typed in an amount in e.g. F7 and chose currency in G7) than A5 should be empty again, because no warning text will be needed
- of course, if there are five inputs in F7:F36 (e.g. first five rows) than the matching five G-cells need to have a value too; hence, whenever there is an input missing, the warning should show in A5

I opened a thread for this one before, and got this formula from a helpful person in the Netherlands. Unfortunately its just doing half the trick. So, I assume that a Makro will be needed.


Thanks everybody for spending your time helping me to build an awesome Travel Expense Sheet that will make many people happy!
