I am starting with an excel sheet with a data range of A1:CJ2500
The separating criteria is in Column C. The criteria is numerical: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11. Eleven is the last number criteria needed to separate.
The number of rows will vary for each numerical criteria
Each separate set of data needs to be pasted to A1 in sheet 1, sheet 2, sheet 3, etc to a max of 11 sheets.
There is an attachment for a visual. In the example rows 1 thru 21 need to go to sheet 1. Rows 22 through 105 need to go to sheet 2(pasted to A1)
I have included some code which will copy a range to sheet 1. However I don't know how to separate the data for separate sheets.
Sub Macro2() ' Dim Rng1 As Range Dim Sht As Worksheet Set Rng1 = Range("A1:CI2000") Set Sht = Sheets("Sheet1") Select Case UCase(Range("C1").Value) Case "1" Sht.Range("A1:CI2000").Value = Rng1.Value End Select End Sub
Thank you for any help.