Thanks AB33 that defiantly helps (and works)...any idea how to get it to paste each result to a new row? For example when you run this macro row 2 is copied, then row 7 on top of it, then row 10 on top and so on. I want the macro to start at the top and do this:
Find first row in column J that is "startup->copy to the other sheet->find the next value in J->copy it to the next blank row and so on

Quote Originally Posted by AB33 View Post
 Sub copyrows()
    Dim tfCol As Range, Cell As Object
    Set tfCol = Range("j2:j3200")
    For Each Cell In tfCol
        If IsEmpty(Cell) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If Cell.Value = "Startup" Then
            Cell.Offset(, -9).Resize(, 11).Copy
            Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select
        End If
End Sub