Dear all.
I really need a VBA code, but I have no idea of how to write one. Please help me
My inputs are: 1) A list of daily stock prices (date in one collumn and prices in another) and 2) a list of events (Dates in one collumn and number of shares bought in another column)
This is what I need the code to do:
1) Count number of events from list 2. (This list is manually created and may vary.
2) Look up the event dates from list two in list one, and return the stoc price from those dates.
3) Multiply the stock prices found in point two with the number of shares bought collumn in list two, and add together (Sumproduct) to obtain ONE figure. (This figure would now be the total sum payed for the stocks bought at the given dates).
4) Return this figure in a "output cell" in excel.
5) Randomly select dates from input list one. I need equally many dates as events. e.g. If there are three events (in input list 2) I need three randomly selected dates and return the belonging stock prices from thos dates. Number of events may change, and it is criticall that there are equally many randomly selected dates as input events.
6) Multiply the random selected stock prices collumn from point five with number of shares bought collumn from input list two and sum together (sumproduct) and return this figure in excel.
7) Repeat point 5&6 10 000 times in a list.
The output from this should be a single collumn with 10 001 figures. The top one obtained from point 4 is now the actuall price a company has paid for the stocks they bought. The 10 000 next cells returns randomly simulated sums they would have to pay, if the dates of their stockpurchases were selected randomly.