Hi there,
I am looking for a way to extract the address of a hyperlink stored in a cell.
This following code fills the Public screenShot with the address of the selection when the user clicks 'OK':
ChDrive "C"
ChDir "C:\Users\Desktop\Screenshots\"
screenShot = Application.GetOpenFilename
And this fills the specified Range with the hyperlink on a button_Click event:
If screenShot <> vbNullString Then
sh1.Hyperlinks.add Anchor:=sh1.Range("EH20").Offset(i - 1, 0), _
Address:=screenShot, TextToDisplay:="Screenshot"
End If
My question is how do I fill screenShot with the address stored in the hyperlink in the specified cell?
screenShot = Range("EH20").Value
screenShot = Range("EH20").Hyperlinks
Thanks for the help!