Hi I need your help, I'll try and make this as clear as I can.

So I have two sheets, Sheet1 Sheet1.JPG and Sheet 2 Sheet2.JPG. For each item there is a corresponding ID.
Apple is 1, Orange is 2 and so on and so forth.

What I need to do is to create a macro that will go through the ID in Column A - Sheet 1 and then paste only the matching ID's in Column B - Sheet 2.

So for example on Sheet 1 - Column A, ID no. 1, the Item is Apple, the code will go through the ID column and read that for the ID no. 1 the item is Apple,

and then it will paste the Item "Apple" beside the ID no. 1 in Sheet 2 because the ID 1 is for the item Apple.

I hope that was clear.

Thank You