just started experimenting with ADO

I can return a sum of a range returned from Access data table to a range.
But how do i return the value to a message box.

Sub SelectDataFunctions() 'use to get sum/count etc of a certain column depending on criteria
    Dim MyConnection As String
    Dim MyDatabaseFilePathAndName As String
    Dim Recordset As ADODB.Recordset
    'Create connection string
    MyDatabaseFilePathAndName = "C:\Users\Sean\Documents\Access\Repairs.mdb"
    MyConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
    MyConnection = MyConnection & "Data Source=" & MyDatabaseFilePathAndName & ";"
    'Define the SQL Statement
    Const SQL As String = "SELECT SUM(Cost)" & "FROM CostData "

    'Initialize the Recordset object and run the query
    Set Recordset = New ADODB.Recordset
    Recordset.Open SQL, MyConnection, 0, 1, 1
    'Make sure records returned
    If Not Recordset.EOF Then
        'Dump the contents of the recordset onto the worksheet
        Call Sheet1.Range("L1").CopyFromRecordset(Recordset)
        'Msgbox Recordset ##
        Call MsgBox("Error: no records found", vbCritical)
    End If
    'Close the recordset if it is still open
    If (Recordset.State And objectstateenum.adstateopen) Then Recordset.Close
    Set Recordset = Nothing
End Sub