Hello All,
I am new to excel and Macro's so please bare with me
I work with the same template every day and would like to know how to set up a macro that when i am finished it will save it to the desktop with a specific name i.e. date as 130204 Building Name/ Rev (As in revision).xls(?).
I found a similair macro on the net but i just couldn't make the changes to get it to work
Sub SaveWithName()
ymd = Year(Now()) & Month(Now()) & Day(Now())
buildingname = InputBox("Enter name of document", "Building Name")
Revision = InputBox("Enter name of Revision", "Revision")
fname = ymd & "-" & buildingname & "-" & Revision & ".xlsx"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=fname, FileFormat:=xlNormal
End Sub
Any help(Basic terminolgy) would be greatly appreciated