I am running VBA code in MS Project 2010 where I filter by resource, collect information on open tasks, and place into a spreadsheet (report) for the resource. My process is to open up a new excel workbook and save as with the resources name in the file name. Place the necessary data into the workbook, format, save the file, close out of MS Excel all together, move on to the next resource and start the process all over again (a loop).

Everything works perfect for the first spreadsheet. But when I get to the second spreadsheet, it opens and is saved with the 2nd resources name, but the first attempt to select a cell fails with the error Run-time erro '1004': Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed.

I've added 'wait' loops to slow things down, but have no idea what is going on.

I've attached the bas files if that will help.

Any help appreciated.

Thanks in advance.Project_VBA_BAS_Files.zip