This macro is close to working but still running into error after the first run. I am trying to let the user select the column that contains the values that are to be split out into their own worksheet. First I am trying to identify the unique values in that column and copying them to a temporary location. Then each unique value from that column will take the entire rows for them and put them in a separate worksheet. This works great up until I come to a part where I am trying to clear the copied data and it errors out after the first run in the If WksExists(c.Value) Then Sheets(c.Value).Cells.Clear part. My intent is to also replace the piece of code where the data is copied to based on where the last empty column and first cell in that column is available as this will vary for each workbook this macro will be used for.
Here is what I have for my code so far that I am testing with:
Sub MultiSheets()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim wsNew As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim r As String
Dim c As Range
Dim rs As Range
Set ws1 = Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name)
Dim N As Integer
Dim M As Integer
Dim FirstWSToSort As Integer
Dim LastWSToSort As Integer
Dim SortDescending As Boolean
Dim lastCell As String
Set rs = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select the Column for Lookup", Title:="Range Select", Type:=8)
rs.Name = "Lookup"
'this will find the last column available
'move one cell to the right from the last used cell
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
lastCell = Split(ActiveCell.Address, "$")(1) & Split(ActiveCell.Address, "$")(2)
Set rng = Range("A1:" & lastCell)
'rng.Name = "SplitSheets"
'extract a list of Modality Codes
ws1.Columns("A:A").Copy _
ws1.Columns("M:M").AdvancedFilter _
Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
CopyToRange:=Range("L1"), Unique:=True
r = Cells(Rows.Count, "L").End(xlUp).row
'r = lastCell = Split(ActiveCell.Address, "$")(1) & Split(ActiveCell.Address, "$")(2)
'set up Criteria Area
Range("L1").Value = Range("A1").Value
For Each c In Range("L2:L" & r)
'add to the criteria area
ws1.Range("M2").Value = c.Value
'add new sheet (if required)
'and run advanced filter
If WksExists(c.Value) Then
rng.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
CriteriaRange:=ws1.Range("M1:M2"), _
CopyToRange:=Sheets(c.Value).Range("A1"), _
Set wsNew = Sheets.Add
wsNew.Move After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
wsNew.Name = c.Value
rng.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
CriteriaRange:=ws1.Range("M1:M2"), _
CopyToRange:=wsNew.Range("A1"), _
End If
SortDescending = False
If ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Count = 1 Then
FirstWSToSort = 1
LastWSToSort = Worksheets.Count
With ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
For N = 2 To .Count
If .Item(N - 1).Index <> .Item(N).Index - 1 Then
MsgBox "You cannot sort non-adjacent sheets"
Exit Sub
End If
Next N
FirstWSToSort = .Item(1).Index
LastWSToSort = .Item(.Count).Index
End With
End If
For M = FirstWSToSort To LastWSToSort
For N = M To LastWSToSort
If SortDescending = True Then
If UCase(Worksheets(N).Name) > UCase(Worksheets(M).Name) Then
Worksheets(N).Move Before:=Worksheets(M)
End If
If UCase(Worksheets(N).Name) < UCase(Worksheets(M).Name) Then
Worksheets(N).Move Before:=Worksheets(M)
End If
End If
Next N
Next M
End Sub
Function WksExists(wksName As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
WksExists = CBool(Len(Worksheets(wksName).Name) > 0)
End Function