I'm trying to perform a trend analysis of a process at work and I currently have to do a lot of manual leg work to compile the numbers I need. The part that complicates this for me is that my criteria for what is a defines a duplicate. For my purposes a duplicate is defined as a row where the unique values in columns B and C in one row match the unique value in columns B and C in another row. Please see the table below where the duplicates as I have defined them show up in red font.

Name Employee ID Task Inspector Pass/Fail
1 Jim 12345 Drilling Kevin Pass
2 Jim 12345 Riveting Tom Pass
3 Rob 23456 Sealing Kevin Pass
4 Jim 12345 Drilling Tom Fail
5 Mike 34567 Sealing Jeff Pass
6 Mike 34567 Sealing George Pass
7 Jim 12345 Drilling Jeff Pass
8 Rob 23456 Riveting Kevin Pass
9 Mike 34567 Riveting Kevin Fail
10 Rob 23456 Wiring Jeff Pass

This is merely a fictitious table I put together to give an idea of what an exponentially larger spreadsheet kind of looks like. What I would like to do is either filter out all rows that do not contain duplicates or if that's not possible I would need to get a count of how many duplicates are present and if possible the amount of duplicates of each type (IE Drilling: 10, Sealing: 3, etc). From the researching that I've done it looks like I need to use VBA to do this, but I haven't done anything with VB in over 13 years, so I might as well have zero experience with it. Can anyone provide any incite on how I'd go about doing this?