I'm using this code to extract data from multiple worksheets to put into blank sheet (provided by arlu1201), which works brilliantly
Is there any way to extend this to include non adjacent cells. For example, the data I actually want to extract appears in Column A and then in Columns D to F on the same row, so I want to extract the data from each row as follows:
A39, I39:M39
A40, I40:M40
A41, I41:M41
and so on, missing out columns B to H (if possible) to appear on the same row in my destination sheet. At the moment, I'm using A39:M58 to extract all the columns and then deleting those I don't want.
Also, is there a way to strip out any cell formatting at the same time, so the data in the destination sheet is free from colour fills and borders etc, like a 'paste values' effectively?
Many thanks