Hello All,

I am experimenting with generating emails from and excel form.

default mail program is outlook. what I want to do is add a follow-up flag to the email that has a due-date of two days past the current date

here is the send mail method i use
Private Sub FlaggedEmail_Click()

  Dim MyApp As Boolean
  Dim olApp As Object
  Dim olEmail As Object

  'Outlook constants aren't available using late binding
   Const olMailItem = 0
    'Open or Start a new instance of Outlook
     On Error Resume Next
       Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
       If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            MyApp = True
           Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
            End If
    'Create an Outlook Mail Item
     Set olEmail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
       With olEmail
         .To = "Ron Weasley"
         .Subject = "hullo"
         .Body = "your hogwarts stuff is ready
         .Importance = 2    
                End With
End Sub
I tried this method with the "With olEmail" portion. But it didn't work
.ReminderSet = True
         .ReminderTime = DateAdd("m", 2, Now)  ' Set to remind us 2
                                                ' minutes from now.
         .DueDate = DateAdd("m", 5, Now)       ' Set the due date to
                                                ' 5 minutes from now.
also, if you know of a list of other properties of outlook emails that can be set via vba, that would just be...killer.