Hello, I have attached a spreadsheet I have been working on, but am having a couple of issues that I am sure the experts out there can quickly resolve for me. Please understand I have been self teaching as I go along.
1. With the radio buttons, if I select one accidently, I can't unselect it e.g if I select Twin1 and it wasn't a twin, I can't unselect it
2. I would like the dates to go in as dd/mm/yyyy (2 instances), but it seems it will accept just dd/mm/yy?
3. I want the times to go in with a colon in between, ie 15:36 but can't do that either?
4. When I click Submit, it should reinitialise the form, but is not resetting the radio buttons or checkboxes?
5. Ideally all fields should be mandatory to complete, but not sure how to make them mandatory?
6. Ideally I would want a summary of the Info at the end before they hit Submit - but not sure on that either?
I know its a lot, but some help would be very much appreciated.