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Need macro to copy data from one sheet and paste to many sheets

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    Need macro to copy data from one sheet and paste to many sheets

    I need help writing code that sorts a worksheet containing data for employees in the form of dates, and copies to multiple sheets based on the value in column "C". Employees work different units; each unit has one sheet for it's specific data.

    Problem - I have been able to get the data copied accurately, but unable to paste if the row size on both sheets is inaccurate. In addition, I have created a row just under the data that contains statistical information, that I do not want to have "pasted over" when rows are inserted. Data is pasted from another database to the sheet "All Nursing Staff" when updated. I would like to be able to assign a macro to a command button to copy and paste the data to individual sheets for each unit when updated.

    My Code:

    Public Sub CopyData()
    Dim All67 As Range
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim lStartRow As String
    Dim lLastRow As String
        ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="lock"
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
        Range("B:B,D:D,J:J").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
        Worksheets("All Nursing Staff").Select
        ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="lock"
        Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
        lStartRow = Range("FirstAll").row
        lLastRow = Range("LastAll").row - 1
        ActiveSheet.Rows(lStartRow & ":" & lLastRow).Select
        Selection.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="67" _
        & Minlimit, Operator:=xlAnd
        Range("A434,A435,A436").EntireRow.Hidden = True
        Range("B:B,D:D,J:J").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
        Sheets("All Nursing Staff").AutoFilterMode = False
        Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
        lStartRow = Range("First67").row
        lLastRow = Range("Last67").row - 1
        ActiveSheet.Rows(lStartRow & ":" & lLastRow).Select
        Range("B:B,D:D,J:J").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
        Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A6"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _
        OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
        lastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
        'For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1
        'If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Rows(r)) = 0 _
        'Then Rows(r).Delete
        'Next r
        Worksheets("All Nursing Staff").Select
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by JBeaucaire; 03-20-2013 at 12:44 AM. Reason: Added code tags, as per forum rules. Don't forget!

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