I have a workbook with 8 sheets in it. The first sheet is a running receipt. Every time I write a receipt I hit a macro and it saves it and brings up the next blank sheet. I am trying to keep track of a few of the cells on a new sheet. The cells I am trying to write on the new sheet come rom different rows and different columns. The only thing that all of them have in common is that each cell is (-57 rows) to grab the next information in the next invoice. So when I enter = into the new sheet in the first cell and go back to the first sheet and pick the cell I want and hit enter, it does bring the right information into the new sheet. The problem I am having is when I copy the same cell and paste it in the next row, I can't figure how to tell the next cell that I want to minus 57 cell back for the correct information.
This is the formula written in the two rows of the same column
I want to write a fomula that says take =DATA_ENTRY!F20806 AND MINUS THE NUMBER 57 FROM THE NUMBER 20806 TO 20749
It should look like this when the formula is written =DATA_ENTRY!F20749
Please can you help me writing this formular to have it work?
Mary Ann