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Is this a bug in WorksheetFunction.Dsum ?

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jdwalsh Is this a bug in... 03-09-2013, 02:39 AM
:) Sixthsense :) Re: Is this a bug in... 03-09-2013, 02:44 AM
jdwalsh Re: Is this a bug in... 03-13-2013, 04:30 PM
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    Question Is this a bug in WorksheetFunction.Dsum ?

    I have found that the WorksheetFunction.DSum fails to work when the criteria block contains a condition on a date field.

    I have created a testcase using a toy data set of 10 rows and 5 fields. I display 2 versions of the criteria block, one filled in from the keyboard, the other generated by my macro. Results are displayed for WorksheetFunction.DSum and excel's DSUM , both functions are run with each version of the criteria block. My findings are ;
    • DSUM always works
    • DSum works if date fields are not used in criteria
    • DSum works if date field criteria is used and date has mm=dd
    • DSum does not work with a criteria on a general date value

    This obviously points to a problem interpreting the date format. I have tried many different ways to set the date value in my macro e.g #mm/dd/yy#,As Date, CDate(). In all cases, the results remain the same and the macro generated criteria block looks identical to the keyboard entered one.

    I will gladly post my test code (macro or spreadsheet) if it will be helpful. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has experienced the same problem or who has a solution on how to handle date fields properly in a WorksheetFunction.DSum criteria block
    Last edited by jdwalsh; 03-13-2013 at 04:36 PM.

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