So far I did't find a solution that can keep undo/redo after running macro's. Except those for undoing the last macro, but you can't keep track of multiple undo's!!! 
So I already made a macro to make a new copy of the complete workbook which should be run after every change using Sub Workbook_SheetChange.
Then add a Application.OnUndo to go back 1 workbook, where you add again a OnUndo to go back over and over up to the maximum workbooks you can and want to keep in memory.
Using Sub Workbook_BeforeSave I need to make a copy from the VBA-code in the copied workbook before saving it and close all the copies.
I wonder if one could copy the vba-code from one workbook-module to an other workbook?
Sub sUndo_Keep()
''' To keep undo working in Excel 2010, this needs to run after any changes to the workbook adding the "on undo"
''' Excel's undo/redo will keep working and swaps between temperary copied workbooks, see number in titlebar...
''' !!! The original workbook needs to be saved otherwise VBA-code will be lost !!!
Dim oActWD As Window
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set oActWD = ActiveWindow
winName = ActiveWindow.Caption
pos = InStr(winName, " §") '''find out if it is the original workbook or already a copy
If pos = 0 Then '''original worbook open
winNr = 1
'Application.ShowWindowsInTaskbar = False '''only 1 visuable on the taskbar
Else '''workbook already copied, get the number of the active copied workbook
winNr = Val(Mid(winName, pos + 2))
winName = Left(winName, pos - 1)
End If
nr = 1
Do Until nr > Windows.Count '''delete workbooks from later saved undo's, loosing redo !
If winNr < Val(Mid(Windows(nr).Caption, InStr(Windows(nr).Caption, " §") + 2)) Then
Windows(nr).Close SaveChanges:=False
nr = nr + 1
End If
sheetName = ActiveSheet.Name '''remember original sheet
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Copy '''create new undo-workbook
Sheets(sheetName).Activate '''activate the same sheet as in the original workbook
ActiveWindow.Caption = winName & " §" & winNr + 1 '''number the new workbook in the title §..
'oActWD.Visible = False '''hide previous workbook doesn't work because undo/redo can't find them !!!
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub