Hi All,
I do have a similar post before. But I wanted to ask a few more questions. I have attached a macro I am working on with a help of another member to this forum. I am trying to find certain values in a data file, that I have also attached. This data file has information that I am looking to extract.
The macro will take a text file, and find certain time values that are numeric in the txt file. I want them to be presented in an excel sheet. Those times come in 2 pairs. For each cateogory there is an, Aspirate time and dispense time. If you run the macro, and save the sample file as a text file you will see the answer. I am trying to add to the macro with these extras I need as well. I just do not understand how the macro works completely to be able to add them to the macro. Thank you!
Test2.xlsmoutput file example.xlsx
1) with mixed batch, more stages will be included. Please see attached an example of a mixed batch trace file.
2) add time for Eluate_Addition (HxV and HCVGT)
3) need to know the durations of each column for –
• QS dispense to Control dispense (HxV only)
• QS dispense to specimen dispense (HxV only)
• Control dispense to MGP dispense
• Specimen dispense to MGP dispense
• MGP dispense to Lysis addition dispense
• Lysis addition dispense to Lysis_Binding_Mix
• Lysis addition dispense to Lysis_Binding_Removal_2, aspirate
• Wash_addition dispense to Wash_removal aspirate
• Wash_addition_2 dispense to Wash_remova_2 aspirate
• Elution_Addition_HxV dispense to Eluate_Addition_HxV aspirate
• Elution_Addition_HCVGT dipsense (only the first set) to Eluat_Addition_HCVGT aspirate (the very first well)