Hello all, I'm running into a bit of an issue with saving a csv using VBA, hoping someone here can save me again!

I've got a few sub scripts that are used to process the data but the part I'm stuck on is saving a copy of the current workbook as a CSV without closing the current Workbook.

The excel file containing the macro is a blank worksheet, "Importer". The macro will loop through 61 excel CSV workbooks, copy the data from them to the main excel workbook's worksheet, "Importer". At this point macros are ran to process the data. Once complete, I want to take the remaining data and save it as a new .csv file. I am using this code currently:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Scrubbed\" & CurBookSaveStr, FileFormat:=xlCSV, _

However, it seems to save the currently opened WB with the designated name, thus I lose my original WB containing my macro (and I fear I will lose my loop that will be put in place to process 61 csv files in this same way).

ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs Filename:="C:\Scrubbed\" & CurBookSaveStr does save a copy of the file without closing my original, but it does not let me save it as a csv just xls.. (if I force the file name to be .csv, it's not actually a .csv file)

Can anyone make an suggestions regarding the best way to save this file?