Hello everybody.

I am new around here and also VBA and macros are not my forte at all, hence why I am here right?

Anyway, I have done so much research and got so much help from other forums that I can't believe I am where I am and the number of people that are willing to help others.

Going to my problem.

I have a range of cells, column A range A10 to A45 and column B range B10 to B45.

Column A is for item description and column B is for quantity.

The macro is to check through range A10 to A45 and for each cell that finds with data then same line cell "when I say same line cell I mean if A10 cell has data then B10 must have numeric value" on column B must have a numeric number.

If not then macro stops.

I already have the following code but it does not quite dos it yet.

Dim r As Range
Const MySheet = "Sheet1"
Const MyRange = "A10:B45"
Set r = Worksheets(MySheet).Range(MyRange)
If Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(r.Columns(2)) < _
Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(r.Columns(1)) Then
MsgBox "Qty missing!", vbInformation
On Error Resume Next
Application.Goto r.Columns(2).SpecialCells(4)
On Error GoTo 0
Cancel = True
End If
The following happened;

A10=text B10=1
A11=text B11=1
A12="empty cell B12=1
A13=text B13="empty cell"

and macro has failed to pick up empty cell B13.

Any help is as always well and truly appreciated.

A very nice weekend.
